Plant ID and spring plant walk with Mary Priestely- APRIL 13


Join Mary Priestely, Sewanee Herbarium Associate, and the editor and illustrator of the Friends of the Herbarium newsletter, The Sewanee Plant Press, to learn to identify our native spring wildflowers and other plants growing in our region. Sequatchie Cove Farm has quite a spectacular plant population, including a variety of spring wildflowers.  We will begin in the Studio with a basic introduction to botany and plant Identification followed by a walk on the farm to observe, identify, and talk about the early wildflowers that we see.

This a great class for beginners, but also an opportunity for the more experienced to walk the farm and observe the spring wildflowers of Sequatchie Cove Farm’s property, which includes extensive woodlands.

We are thrilled to also have Miriam Keener from the farm guiding us through the woods. With over 30 years of living here and an extensive knowledge of native plants, it’s a real treat to have her with us.

April 13th 1:30pm - 4:30 CST

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Mary Priestly is the author, editor, and/or illustrator of several books, including The Essential Mack Prichard: Writings of a Conservation Hero; Under the Sun at Sewanee, third edition; Sewanee Wildflowers in Color; William’s Wildflowers children’s guide to wildflowers; What if Trees Could Walk? a Sewanee Tree Book; and Fiery Gizzard, Voices from the Wilderness. She currently serves as interim coordinator of the Tennessee Plant Conservation Alliance, an organization dedicated to saving rare plant species from extinction. A member of the Tennessee Native Plant Society, she has served as their president and assisted in writing and editing the TNPS field guide, Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the Southern Appalachians. She teaches classes for the Tennessee Naturalist Program and the Tennessee Valley chapter of Wild Ones Certificate in Native Plants. A former schoolteacher, she has been natural journaling for 20 years and hasconducted several nature journaling workshops, including for the Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Mary and her late husband, a mathematics professor at Sewanee: the University of the South, are the parents of three grown children.


TN Governor’s Lifetime Achievement in Environmental Stewardship Award

Sewanee Civic Association Magna Cum Laude Award

Jim Prince Award (Friends of South Cumberland State Park)

Harry Yeatman Environmental Education Award (Friends of South Cumberland State


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